Q:ティーにグリーンフォークを結んで使用する 2016.04.27

先日 ティーを失くさないようにグリーンフォークに紐で結んで置いたら「正式にはそれは違反ですよ」と同伴競技者に言われてしまいました。JGA規則用具インフォメーション(http://www.jga.or.jp/jga/html/rules/info_03_faq_tool.html)に「7 紐付きのティーは不適合と聞いたのですが本当ですか?」とまさしくズバリの項目があったので見せようと思いました。しかしそのすぐ下「 8 距離計測器を正規のラウンド中に使用することは認められますか?」を見てみると明らかに2016年の改定が反映されておりません。「7 紐付きのティー」の項目も最新かどうか不安になりました。このページに対する最新記載はどこにあるのでしょうか? また 最新なのかどうかはどこを見ればいいのでしょうか?






Two or More Tees
Connected by a Length of Cord or String
This is a fairly common question and, if considered in the light of the above comments, then you might reasonably assume that such a configuration would be considered non-conforming – as the string could effectively be used to aid alignment. However, this is one of the Rules with an Exception.
In many countries, but particularly in the UK, the use of two or more tees tied together with string has been fairly common for many years – especially in the winter when the ground can be hard due to frost, or when winter mats are in use.
Therefore, within The R&A’s area of jurisdiction (i.e. everywhere except the USA and Mexico) the use of a conforming tee which is connected to one or more other conforming tees by a length of cord or string is permissible – provided the cord or string and other tees are not used to aid the player in his alignment. Such a practice would render the player in breach of Rule 8-2a (Indicating Line of Play).

Tee Connected to a Weight or Other Anchor (e.g. a pitch mark repair tool)
A tee connected to a pitch mark repair tool or other weight or anchor by a length of cord or string would be regarded as non-conforming as it could be used to aid alignment. The distinction between this configuration and the above example of two or more connected tees is purely on ‘traditional’ grounds.
